In 2005, we received a message from a man named Samuel through the internet. He shared with us a self-started project he and his wife Mercy were running, with 20 children living on a rice patty in bamboo huts. Moved by his story of rescuing children, Vinnie went with a team to visit the amazing couple in March of 2006. Some governments in the region are extremely oppressive so during our second visit the children had to come meet our team in a park. 

After meeting with Samuel, Mercy, and the children a second time, our hearts moved with compassion for these beautiful people. We left there with a new conviction: we need to do more. Three or four weeks after the second trip a devastating cyclone hit the area killing hundreds of thousands including many in neighboring countries. Miraculously none of the HOH children, or caretakers, were harmed but the property was a complete loss. With the help of many, HOHG was able to purchase 4 acres in an area that is safer and a lot less oppressive. Construction began on the children's home not long after and with your help we have put a permanent roof over their heads.

Samuel and Mercy now have nearly 40 children who live in permanent safe structures complete with a farm and pineapple groves, helping to make the property self sustaining. In addition, the older children are now furthering their education by apprenticing for professionals and business owners in nearby cities. It is amazing how just a few short years of love, support, and education can make such a difference in the lives of these children.