Pakistan is home to more than 4 million orphans, and 600,000 of them are located in the city of Lahore. As the second most densely populated city in the country, we are excited to be contributing to the growing number of projects who seek to make a dent in such a large number. Being an already vulnerable population, orphans here are more likely to suffer from food insecurity and malnutrition, as well as physical, mental, and sexual abuse.
These children are also exceptionally vulnerable to business owners looking to take advantage of free labor. Thousands of kids are working on brick kilns as early as the age of five. Working in conditions of blistering heat and damp cold, these dear children survive with little food, clothes or shelter. Many born, grow and die in slavery to their owners. We long to rescue these young victims and give them a better future. In addition to all of this, many orphans fall victim to diseases and ailments that otherwise could be cured with simple treatments.
In an effort to turn the tide, we have partnered with an existing and thriving organization in the city of Lahore – “My Father's Home”. Founders John AD and Rachel John, are meeting the needs of the many through this wonderful mission. The foundation focuses on child victims of prostitution, drug trafficking, indentured slavery, abuse, and abandonment. By providing homes and restoring the children to spiritual, physical, and emotional health while reaching out to their families and communities, they are making a tremendous impact. As one of our most recent projects, we look forward to greater expansion within the city as well as your partnership which enables us to do so.