Guatemala was the first country where Houses of Hope began rescuing and caring for orphans. In 1989, the property was purchased in the city of Zacapa - about 4 hours east of Guatemala City. At first, it operated as a training facility and short-term mission house. Then in 1991, 16 acres of additional land were purchased which would become House of Hope Zacapa. Through the partnership of many supporters, the property began to take shape. Over 30 years HOH Zacapa established 6 children’s homes, 8 missionary apartments, a full time community center, and a volunteer team house. HOH Zacapa is also home to the Votech Training Center – a full time facility where trained craftsmen teach adults valuable professional skills and trades. In addition, all children at HOH Zacapa attend the on-site mission school "Academy of Hope". 


Throughout the years we have enjoyed hosting teams of volunteers who participated in many activities, both on-site with the HOH children and throughout the nearby community. Volunteers helped out with construction and maintenance projects on the grounds, as well as school programs and medical care. Teams also supported our staff with outreach to a nearby refugee camp just down the road from HOH Zacapa. Of the 350 residents of this refugee community, half of them are children.